caticonslite_bm_altChris + Lindsay {engaged!}

Chris and Lindsay are so in love, and it shows in their photos I captured this spring in Jefferson City where they will settle once they marry in August. The couple dressed dapper for our first series of photos in Lindsay’s backyard. And as the session progressed, their love and playfulness only showed more!

I love Lindsay’s sweet, but mischievous glances to Chris in this next series.

Va va voom! Look at that dip!

The sweethearts slipped into some more casual clothes and we ventured over to the governor’s garden and the landing to take advantage of the spring blooms as a beautiful backdrop.

I love how intimate they were in the next few shots, letting me sneak a peak while they whisper “sweet nothings” and steal kisses.

A quick stop by one of the fountains in front of the capitol was next. Fortunately, Lindsay stayed dry!

We next skipped over the few blocks to the newly revitalized Old Munichburg section of town.

We ended our day at the Welcome Inn, a great little corner bar in Old Munichburg where the couple spent many of their early outings getting know each other while battling at shuffleboard.

Here’s to happily ever after!

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